This week is National No Name Calling Week.

The campaign, which is aimed mostly at schools, strives to protect students from name-calling and other forms of bullying, and to replace it with intentional acts of kindness.

But there’s a much larger problem lurking…

A much more wide-spread problem that goes far beyond our schools.

And YOU are responsible for it.

Yes, you heard me. YOU are a bully.

I can just hear your wheels turning…

“What do you mean?” you’re wondering.

“I don’t call people names. I never bully anyone. I’m a nice person.”

And you are a nice person.

To almost everyone.

But there’s one person who you’re terrible to…

You constantly call her names.

bully woman yelling at herself in mirror

“Stupid.” “Ugly.” “Fat.”

You bully her constantly.

“You’ll never get it right!” “You should just quit now!” “You’re such a loser!”

I’m sure, by now, you’ve guessed it.

The person you bully is yourself.

You badger her with an endless barrage of negative self-talk. Insults. And outright lies.

It’s so second nature, you may not even notice it anymore.

So take National No Name Calling Week as a reminder to stop bullying yourself.

Become aware of your negative self-talk and hateful thoughts.

Replace the insults with intentional acts of kindness. Kind words. Kind thoughts. And kind actions.

Give yourself the same grace and unconditional love you show others.

To flip the script on your self-talk so you can go from criticism to confidence, check out my new course.

It’s just $9!

self love prompts body love

Holly Doherty
Holly Doherty

Holly Doherty is an author, speaker, and self-worth coach who helps women love and trust themselves again so they can have more impact, peace, and fulfillment. And it all starts when you know your worth, radiate confidence, and embrace your most authentic, be*YOU*tiful YOU!

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