So, it’s the end of January. How’s it going with those New Year’s resolutions?
Do you know why gyms offer killer membership deals in January? Because they know everyone makes resolutions to lose weight, but they never keep them. So they sell a ton of new memberships, but they don’t worry about lines at the ellipticals because they know that in a few weeks, the place will be empty again.
Yeah, resolutions are like that. They suck because they set you up for failure.
That’s why, for the past 2 years, I’ve ditched the resolutions and instead focused on a theme word for the year.
I learned about this concept from one of my business networking groups. Honestly, I thought it was a little strange at first – I mean, we’re SO conditioned to create New Year’s resolutions. How would a theme work?
Themes are New Year’s Resolutions That Stick Instead of Suck
I soon realized that a yearly theme is a new year’s resolution that sticks. Because you’re committed to it. You’don’t create it off the top of your head when you’re caught up in the hype and excitement of the New Year and the “I can do anything!” attitude.
A yearly theme is a well-thought out measuring stick for every action you take that year. It’s broad enough to be super flexible. It’s about the process, not the outcome. The journey, not the destination. So you never feel like “giving up” if you miss a day or two. Because it’s not an action, that if you don’t do it, you fail.
A theme, by it’s very nature, it sets you up for success instead of failure.
A New Year’s resolution might be, “I’ll work out three times a week this year.” Yeah, right. How’s that going for ya? Feel like a loser yet?
Some people resolve to lose 10 pounds. That’s a goal, not a resolution, by the way. And again, what happens if you don’t lose 10 pounds?
A theme, on the other hand, might be “Healthy Living.” With this theme, you won’t feel defeated when you have a Snickers bar. You will, however, feel empowered and encouraged every time you make a choice that aligns with your theme of healthy living.
Ate an apple? Went for a walk? Learned to meditate? All these actions fall under the theme of healthy living. See how much more flexible a theme is? SO much easier to stick with.
To be most effective, your theme should be something that aligns with your core values. Measure your actions and decisions against this standard. Does it align with your theme? When the answer is “yes,” you’re living in integrity, and in a way that builds your self-esteem rather than destroys it.
Need some help figuring out a theme for the year? Take inspiration from these examples:
- Healthy living
- Simplicity
- Love
- Balance
- Influence
- Growth
- Bravery
- Ease
- Empower
- Flourish
So what do you think? Are you ready to ditch the New Year’s resolutions and choose a theme word? What’s your theme word for the year? (P.S. – I’ll tell you my theme word in my next blog post.)
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Set sail toward your best year yet!
Ditch the rigid resolutions and navigate your journey with purpose and intention.
1 Response to "Why New Year’s Resolutions Suck"
[…] my previous post, I talk about why resolutions suck, and why I set a theme word for the year […]