Holy tamole! It’s the SECOND week of January!
A new year.
A new decade.
A new… you…?
Every new year, my inbox and Facebook feed are flooded with New Year, New You challenges. Is yours?
Everything from weight loss to mindset, from productivity to decluttering.
Here’s the problem with the “New Year, New You” buzzphrase – it assumes that you need to be made new.
That there’s something fundamentally wrong with the core essence of YOU.
There isn’t.
You are enough, just as you are.
You are Worthy By Design.
Maybe you want to improve some things about yourself, and that’s OK.
Do you want to be more healthy? Be more visible in your business? Be more confident?
Great! Go for it!
But know that you are worthy and enough, even if those things never change.
My focus for the year 2020 is to help you see yourself with 20/20 vision.
Your most true version of yourself.
The YOU you were created to be.
To help you chip away the layers of who you’ve been taught to be.
To let go of all the ways you’ve learned that it’s not OK to be yourself.
To help you see yourself as the masterpiece that you are.
To have the confidence to be yourself and to really “go for it” in your life and business.
So get ready for an exciting year!
If you’re ready to join me on that journey and become your most authentic self, you’ll love my course Rediscover You: A 30-Day Journey of Self-Discovery and Acceptance.
Whatever your 2020 goals, whatever your theme word, you need to start with having 20/20 vision of yourself.
You can’t have healthy relationships if you don’t have a healthy relationship with yourself first.
You can’t expect others to value (and pay you for!) your time and talents unless you value yourself first.
It all starts with gaining a clear and deep understanding of who you are, at your core.
No more hiding.
No more judging.
Just total acceptance and awareness of yourself.
New Year, Real You!
When you finally love and accept yourself just as you are, you can recognize and accept love from others. Your relationships improve.
Your joy returns.
Your business flourishes.
You’re more successful because you know that you deserve it.
And that’s exactly what I want for you!