Hey, Beautiful. I’m Holly Doherty, Sculptor of Self-Worth at RediscoverRadiance.com

I help you to love yourself, BE yourself, and stand in the amazing masterpiece that you were created to be. 

To chip away all the layers of lies that you were taught to believe – the way you were taught to see yourself – and to really see yourself the way you were created so you have more confidence, more fulfillment, and more success in your life and business.

I have been hearing so much about stories lately and it’s probably because, for one thing, I finished the first draft of my memoir and it’s with my editor and publisher.

The whole time writing this memoir, I kept hearing my book-writing mentor and best-seller strategist, Kim Eldridge, of New Frontier Books – I kept hearing her say, “Tell your story. Don’t be boring. Tell stories.”

So, today I wanted to talk about our inner beauty, self-love, and the stories that we tell ourselves.

A couple years ago – a long time ago now – I signed up as a beauty consultant with one of the top of direct marketing cosmetic companies out there.

It’s something that I had wanted to do for quite a while and I put it off because, to be totally honest with you, at the time I didn’t feel worthy.

I thought to be a “beauty consultant,” you had to be pretty beautiful. And I did not feel that. I felt anything but beautiful.

I told myself this story that was false. And it held me back from doing something that I really enjoyed, once I got the confidence to do it.

I realized that I wasn’t just selling lipstick, or foundation, or skincare.

My purpose in that business was to help women see their inner beauty and match their outer beauty with the inner beauty that they already had.

The problem I ran into is that so many women didn’t see their inner beauty. They told themselves kind of the same story I did:

“I’m not model perfect. I’m not…” you name the celebrity: Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Aniston, fill in the blank. “I’m not beautiful. I’m just me.”

And it’s such a lie. And we hold ourselves back from so many opportunities because we don’t feel good enough.

Because we tell ourselves these stories that we’re not enough.

In Facebook groups and business groups I’m a part of, pretty consistently, people will ask, “What words and phrases really irritate you? What words and phrases are overused?”

And, invariably, someone will say, “When someone starts an email or a podcast or a video with ‘Hey, Beautiful.’ because it feels insincere.”

And I just wait.

I start every email, almost every video with “Hey, Beautiful.” Because I see your inner beauty. I see it and I want you to see it, too.

And you’re beautiful on the outside as well.

You’re not perfect. Nobody’s perfect. Perfect doesn’t mean flawless. Perfect means being the person that you were created to be just the way you were created to be – asymmetries, freckles, bags under the eyes… whatever it is.

You are beautiful the way you are.

So we need to stop telling ourselves stories about how we’re not good enough because we’re not perfect.

inner beauty self love stories we tell ourselves pinterest pin of woman looking in mirror

You are perfect because you were created – not flawless – you were created just the way you were meant to be.

And I want THAT to be the story that you tell yourself from now on.

You are perfect because you were created exactly the way you were meant to be.

Now, does that mean that we don’t have flaws or things that we can work on – weaknesses and shortcomings? Of course it doesn’t mean that.

We all have weaknesses. We all have things we need to work on.

My daughter will tell you I am the least patient person in the world. We home school and everyone says, “You must have so much patience to home school.” I just look at my daughter and she’s like, “Nope!”

No patience. Not one of my strong suits. I’m working on it.

But you cannot hate yourself into change. The only way to create permanent, lasting change is to love yourself. To love every bit of yourself – even the parts that aren’t fit to print in your Bio.

Love your strengths. Love your weaknesses. Love your flaws.

It doesn’t mean that you can’t work on them, or that you shouldn’t grow. We all have growth edges.

We all have areas where we want to improve – your eating habits or your sleep habits or youre self care.

In my case, my patience.

Perfect doesn’t mean that you’re flawless.

But pay intention to those stories you tell yourself.

Are they stories that empower you? Give you confidence?

Are they stories that allow you to be YOU, and to stand in the person you were created to be?

If not, then I invite you to talk with me. You can get on my calendar. Find the link at www.RediscoverRadiance.com [Click here to get on my calendar.]

We can have a discussion about how I can help you and support you in your journey to greater self-love and greater confidence.

Until next time, stay beautiful.

Tell yourself amazing, empowering, true, and loving stories.

Because you’re worth it.

Holly Doherty
Holly Doherty

Holly Doherty is an author, speaker, and self-worth coach who helps women love and trust themselves again so they can have more impact, peace, and fulfillment. And it all starts when you know your worth, radiate confidence, and embrace your most authentic, be*YOU*tiful YOU!