A woman in a Facebook group for people with food allergies wrote 2 long paragraphs about how none of her family members cared enough to buy her a birthday cake
The Problem with Affirmations
Many of us have a love-hate relationship with affirmations.
You know the power of speaking positively to your kids. Noticing the good. Building them up for their strengths,
In Part 1, we talked about the first 2 Bs of the 5B Framework for Restorative Self-Care: Budget and Bandits.
In Part 2, we'll talk about the final 3 Bs.
Boundaries: Brick
What do you think of when you hear the term self-care?
Chances are, it's some variation of manicures, massages, or bubble baths. Maybe an entire day at the spa, being primped
I walked into church one Mother’s Day thinking I’d be perfectly fine. I was not.
For years, I’d wanted to be a mom more than anything. But this was the first
In Part 3 of the Self Care Foundations series, we’re talking about nurturing your WHOLE self.
(Read Self-Care Foundations #1: Start with Boundaries)
(Read Self-Care Foundations #2: Make it Personal)
Most people think
In Part 2 of the Self-Care Foundations Series, we're gonna talk about principle #2: Make it Personal
(Read Self-Care Foundations #1: Start with Boundaries)(Read Self-Care Foundations #3: Nurture Your Whole Self)
In Part 1 of this 3-part series on self-care foundations, we explore the first principle of better self-care: Start with boundaries.
(Read Self-Care Foundations #2: Make it Personal)
(Read Self-Care Foundations #3:
What does the poppy have to do with trauma healing?
Travel with me back to 1915...
The war-torn battlefield cried out with the blood of the dead. The agony of the
Is a New Year New You Challenge right for you?
Don't get me wrong: I love a good challenge. (For a good article on how 30-day challenges benefit you, and some