Holy lightening speed, Batman! This past year flew by! Are you ready for the new year?
I generally spend the last few days of the year reflecting on the good and bad parts of the last 12 months. The things I loved and want more of (yeah for vacations and snuggly movie nights with my hubby and kids). And the things that bombed and should never be repeated (hello, stuck on the freeway in a major snow storm on a spur-of-the-moment road trip to romp in the snow.)
Then I look ahead into the coming year to see what I want to accomplish and how I want the next 12 months to be different.
My guess is that you’re probably thinking about the year ahead, as well. Setting goals. Making resolutions. Deciding what you want more of and less of in the next twelve months.
Well, if you’re on a mission to live your most Radiant Life™, here’s my
Top 10 List of Things to Let Go of in the New Year.
- Bitterness. It’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Seriously, stop it.
- Complaining. Try changing your situation instead of just griping about it.
- Regret. You can’t change the past. You can only learn for the future.
- Being a martyr. Constantly neglecting your wants and needs for the sake of others leaves you burned out, depleted, and miserable.
- Guilt. You can’t control other people’s thoughts, reactions, or actions. Only your own.
- Obligation. Stop saying “Yes” when you want to say “No.”
- Blame. Take responsibility for your own happiness from this point forward.
- Shame. Your past shapes you but it doesn’t define you.
- Hating yourself. You are Worthy by Design™. It has nothing to do with your dress size, your resume, or even your past.
- Hiding behind a mask. You are a masterpiece and you owe it to yourself to be YOU!
I could add a bunch more, but who wants to read 327 Things to Give Up in the New Year? Seriously, you’ve got things to do… 🙂
What would you add to this list of things to let go of in the new year? Do you find any of the items especially hard to get go of?
Recommended Resource:
Embrace the positive power of “No” to stop people-pleasing, prioritize your goals, and get more done.
Transform your “no” into a superpower for expansion, possibility, and growth with the what, why, when, and how of saying no with confidence, clarity, and grace. Simplify your life immediately with the Instant No Audit.